Je suis de retour ! Petite nouvelle avant tout : en vu du nombre d’étrangers qui se connectent chaque jour sur mon site, et aussi en l’honneur de mes amis chinois, les prochaines news seront rédigées en anglais. Je pense en effet que l’intérêt de les lire pour les français est relativement limité, mais par ailleurs plus interressante pour ceux qui vivent ailleurs ! En espérant que cela ne déchaine pas un torrent d’aversion sur mon site de votre part, camarades… je vous souhaite une joyeuse nouvelle année !
After having lived in China for almost a year, being back in France was sort of a « rediscovery » for me. So I would like to share with you (and especially with my Chinese friends) a part of my life from these days.

Basilica of the Sacré Coeur
For the moment, I live in the Montparnasse area with my girlfriend (her name is Jia ! and no, she’s NOT Chinese, she’s Korean – American). You can see her here, flashing me a weird smile because she doesn’t like cameras!

Give me all your money, girl !
In the next picture, maybe you noticed that there is a guy saying hello to me, while I’m taking the picture. Actually, it’s kind of amusing because it seems that the guy is making a bad gesture… but he wasn’t.

One great thing about Paris is that there are all sorts of concerts happening all of the time. In the picture on the left, is Minjung, a friend of my girlfriend, who sings a nice, smooth jazz and performs regularly in Paris. This concert took place in a small Korean bookstore-café-shop near the Luxembourg Gardens, which lent a cozy, intimate ambiance to the performance. In the picture on the right, the rocker guy you see is none other than guitarist Paul Personne, performing at the Hard Rock Café .

There are so many things to see in Paris – from the grandiose monuments to the tiniest details – that you could walk around a neighborhood a dozen times and notice something new each time ! For example, Jia and I were walking in the Opera neighborhood one afternoon when we saw this « Dog’s Bar » on the facade of an actual bar. To my twisted mind, this appeared to be a place where dogs « relieve » themselves ! Jia’s dream is that one day, her dog, Euri, will partake at this dog’s bar, as well…

Hey, have a look on these greaaaaaaaat meals we had at home ! The first one is sauteed eggplant, with cheese, onions, mushrooms… and the second is a French-Korean made pizza, ahah, a very yummy one !

As Bao Dayong sent me lots of pictures of Dalian, I wanted to post some here. So here is my beloveeeeeed Chinese university :

Bao Dayong
Here are some pictures of the Chinatown in Paris, located in the 13th arrondissement. We are really far away from China and its customs, atmosphere and everything, but… where to go then ?! 😯

One picture to say : « Yeah, we finally finished this project ! ». Time to work on something else now !

I switch to french… pour parler de cette série que j’ai eu tout le mal du monde à récupérer ! En fait, il y a quelques années, des souvenirs ont commencé à me revenir, à propos d’une série de Science-fiction en 3 épisodes, où un journaliste se fait enlever par des extra-terrestres, et à sa place un clone est renvoyé. Ce clone est en fait un des extra-terrestres doté d’un humour bien particulier, et sous les traits d’un journaliste, tente de faire savoir à la France (car ça se passe bien dans notre pays) que les petits ET vont arriver « en paix ». Bref, j’ai recherché le titre de cette série pendant longtemps, et je l’ai mis au rencard pensant que finalement c’était un rêve. Finalement, un gars m’a contacté, un jour, et m’a dit qu’il avait retrouvé cette série sur une vieille cassette ! Je l’ai rencontré, et donc voilà… j’ai pu la regarder 🙂 !

I hope my Chinese friends notice how different the colors are, between our two countries. This was actually the first thing of which I took notice, and by which I was amazed, when I arrived in China ! … Especially when you see the sun setting 🙂 !